Is Onion a Natural Solution for Hair Health and Growth?

What are the benefits of onions for hair health?

The quest for healthy, vibrant hair is universal. People spend countless hours and significant resources in search of the perfect remedy to achieve lustrous locks.

Among the many treatments available, a simple, natural ingredient stands out: the humble onion. Known for its potent medicinal properties, the onion has been used for centuries in traditional medicine.

This article delves into the remarkable benefits of onions for hair health and growth, exploring scientific evidence and practical applications.

The Nutritional Profile of Onions

Onions are packed with essential nutrients that contribute to their health benefits. They are rich in vitamins C, B6, and folate, and minerals like sulfur, potassium, and magnesium.

Additionally, onions contain antioxidants such as quercetin and sulfur compounds, which play a crucial role in promoting hair health.

Benefits of Onions for Hair Health

1. Promoting Hair Growth

One of the most celebrated benefits of onions for hair is their ability to promote growth.

The sulfur in onions boosts collagen production, which is vital for the formation of new hair follicles.

Collagen improves the elasticity and strength of the hair, reducing the likelihood of breakage.

Scientific Evidence

A study published in the Journal of Dermatology in 2014 investigated the efficacy of onion juice in treating alopecia areata, an autoimmune condition that causes patchy hair loss.

The study involved 38 participants, divided into two groups. One group applied onion juice to the scalp twice daily, while the other group used tap water.

After six weeks, 87% of participants in the onion juice group experienced significant hair regrowth, compared to only 13% in the control group. This study underscores the potential of onion juice in promoting hair growth.

How to Use

To harness the benefits of onions for hair growth, extract the juice from a few onions and apply it directly to the scalp.

Leave it on for 30 minutes to an hour before washing it off with a mild shampoo. For best results, repeat this process 2-3 times a week.

2. Reducing Hair Loss

Hair loss can be distressing and is often caused by factors like stress, poor diet, and hormonal imbalances.

Onions can help combat hair loss due to their high sulfur content. Sulfur strengthens the hair follicles, reduces hair thinning, and minimizes breakage.

Scientific Evidence

A study published in the Natural Medicine Journal in 2020 explored the role of sulfur in hair health. The researchers found that sulfur is a critical component of keratin, the protein that forms the structure of hair.

By increasing the intake of sulfur-rich foods like onions, individuals can enhance the strength and durability of their hair.

How to Use

Incorporate onions into your diet to ensure an adequate intake of sulfur. Additionally, topical application of onion juice can help strengthen the hair follicles and reduce hair loss.

Mix onion juice with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil and massage it into the scalp. Leave it on for an hour before rinsing.

3. Treating Dandruff and Scalp Infections

Dandruff and scalp infections can hinder hair growth and overall scalp health. Onions possess powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help combat these issues.

Scientific Evidence

Research published in the Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization in 2019 highlights the antimicrobial properties of onions.

The study found that onion extract effectively inhibits the growth of various bacterial and fungal strains, making it a potent natural remedy for scalp infections and dandruff.

How to Use

Prepare an onion hair mask by blending onions and extracting the juice. Mix it with a few drops of tea tree oil, known for its antifungal properties, and apply it to the scalp.

Leave it on for 30 minutes before washing with a gentle shampoo. Regular use can help keep dandruff and scalp infections at bay.

4. Enhancing Hair Shine

Dull, lifeless hair can be a result of poor blood circulation to the scalp and a lack of proper nutrients.

Onion juice can enhance blood flow to the hair follicles, providing them with essential nutrients and oxygen, resulting in healthier, shinier hair.

Scientific Evidence

The potential benefits of onion, specifically Allium cepa, in enhancing hair shine have been studied extensively. Research has demonstrated that onion extracts can stimulate hair growth, improve hair shine, and even aid in treating conditions like alopecia areata (Sharquie & Al-Obaidi, 2002; Okolo, 2022).

Moreover, the use of onion oil as a therapeutic essential oil for revitalizing hair follicles has been suggested, highlighting its potential role in enhancing hair shine and overall health (Cantrell et al., 2020).

Furthermore, the application of a multifunctional hair care formulation containing botanical extracts, including onion extracts, has demonstrated photoprotective effects and increased gloss values, indicating enhanced hair shine (Leite & Campos, 2018).

How to Use

Combine onion juice with honey, a natural humectant that retains moisture, and apply it to the scalp and hair.

Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water. This combination not only boosts shine but also provides deep conditioning to the hair.

5. Delaying Premature Graying

Premature graying of hair is a common concern that can be influenced by genetic factors, stress, and oxidative damage.

Onions are rich in antioxidants, including quercetin, which helps combat oxidative stress and delay the graying process.

Scientific Evidence

Studies have shown that quercetin exhibits strong antioxidant properties by modulating various cellular pathways, enzymatic activities, and reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (Čižmárová et al. (2023), Bidian et al., 2020).

Quercetin has been found to enhance the antioxidant capacity of cells, reduce oxidative stress, and protect against oxidative damage in various tissues (Egert et al., 2008; Yu et al., 2014; Edremitlioğlu et al., 2012).

Quercetin, a flavonoid found in onions, has been studied for its antioxidant properties and its impact on melanin production. Studies have shown that quercetin and its derivatives can inhibit melanin formation in melanoma cells (Arung et al. (2011).

Additionally, quercetin has been found to have anti-melanogenesis effects, which could potentially impact hair pigmentation (Choi & Shin, 2016).

Quercetin has also been associated with promoting pigmented hair regeneration by activating follicular keratinocytes and melanocytes necessary for hair pigmentation (Taguchi et al., 2019).

How to Use

To delay premature graying, incorporate onions into your diet and use onion juice as a topical treatment.

Mix onion juice with a few drops of rosemary oil, known for its hair-darkening properties, and apply it to the scalp.

Leave it on for 30 minutes before washing with a mild shampoo. Regular use can help maintain your natural hair color for longer.

6. Preventing Split Ends

Split ends occur when the protective outer layer of the hair cuticle is damaged, leading to hair breakage and frizz.

The sulfur in onions can help repair and strengthen the hair strands, preventing split ends.

Scientific Evidence

Sulfur is essential for maintaining hair health due to its presence in sulfur amino acids, such as methionine and cysteine, which are crucial components of keratin, the main protein in hair fibers (Dong et al. (2018), Kaur et al., 2022; Długaszek & Skrzeczanowski, 2017).

Keratin, rich in cysteine, forms disulfide bonds that provide strength and elasticity to hair fibers (Ha et al., 2019; * et al., 2022).

The chelating properties of sulfur amino acids in keratin contribute to the overall structure and health of hair (Długaszek & Skrzeczanowski, 2017).

How to Use

To prevent split ends, create a hair mask by mixing onion juice with aloe vera gel. Aloe vera is known for its soothing and moisturizing properties.

Apply the mask to the hair ends and leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing. Regular use can help keep split ends at bay.

7. Balancing Scalp pH

Maintaining the natural pH balance of the scalp is crucial for healthy hair growth. An imbalanced scalp pH can lead to issues like dandruff, dryness, and excessive oiliness. Onion juice can help restore and balance the scalp's pH levels.

Scientific Evidence

To investigate the effects of onion extract on scalp pH, it is essential to consider the properties of onion extract and its potential impact on pH levels.

Onion extract contains sulfur compounds and flavonoids that have been associated with various health benefits, including antioxidant and antimicrobial effects (Sharma et al. (2016), Park et al., 2007). These compounds may interact with scalp pH and influence its balance.

How to Use

Mix onion juice with apple cider vinegar, which also helps balance scalp pH, and apply it to the scalp.

Leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing. This treatment can help maintain a healthy scalp and support hair growth.

8. Nourishing Hair Follicles

Healthy hair follicles are essential for strong and vibrant hair. The nutrients in onions, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, nourish the hair follicles and promote overall hair health.

Scientific Evidence

Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in maintaining the health of hair follicles and promoting hair growth. In particular, vitamin C and B-complex vitamins found in onions have been associated with supporting hair health.

Research has shown that the hair follicle is a dynamic miniorgan that undergoes development during fetal skin development, relying on precise ectodermal-mesodermal interactions (Schneider et al., 2009).

Furthermore, studies have highlighted the significance of vitamin D in the hair follicle cycle, as disturbances in this cycle can lead to hair shedding or alopecia (Gerkowicz et al., 2017).

Additionally, the role of phytochemicals, including onion juice, in promoting hair growth has been recognized, with various natural products such as onion juice, pumpkin seed oil, and rosemary oil being studied for their potential benefits in treating hair loss (Kesika et al., 2023).

Onions contain essential nutrients such as fatty acids, sulfur, phenolic compounds, and various minerals like potassium, zinc, calcium, and magnesium, which are beneficial for overall hair health (Enechukwu & Ogunbiyi, 2022).

How to Use

Incorporate onions into your diet to ensure you receive their nutritional benefits. Additionally, use onion juice as a hair rinse after shampooing.

Mix onion juice with water and rinse your hair with the solution. This will nourish the hair follicles and improve hair texture.

9. Fighting Scalp Inflammation

Scalp inflammation can hinder hair growth and lead to conditions like folliculitis and seborrheic dermatitis. Onions have anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe the scalp and reduce inflammation.

Scientific Evidence

Onions, rich in bioactive compounds, have been recognized for their anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that onions contain organosulfur compounds and quercetin, which contribute to their anti-inflammatory effects (Nemzer & Kalita, 2023; Dimitry et al., 2021).

These compounds help in reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, thereby potentially aiding in scalp health.

Additionally, onions have been reported to possess antioxidant properties that can combat oxidative stress and free radicals, further supporting their role in reducing inflammation (Saad & Mohamed, 2019; Vazquez-Prieto et al., 2011).

How to Use

Prepare an anti-inflammatory scalp mask by mixing onion juice with turmeric powder, known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties.

Apply the mask to the scalp and leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing. This treatment can help soothe an inflamed scalp and support hair growth.

10. Boosting Overall Hair Health

The combined benefits of onions, including promoting hair growth, reducing hair loss, treating dandruff, enhancing shine, and delaying graying, contribute to overall hair health.

Regular use of onions in hair care routines can result in stronger, healthier, and more resilient hair.

How to Use

Incorporate onions into your hair care routine in various forms, such as onion juice, onion oil, or onion hair masks.

Consistent use over time will maximize the benefits and lead to noticeable improvements in hair health.


Onions, a staple in kitchens worldwide, offer a wealth of benefits for hair health and growth. Their rich nutritional profile, including sulfur, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, makes them a powerful natural remedy for various hair concerns.

From promoting hair growth and reducing hair loss to treating dandruff and delaying graying, onions can transform your hair care routine.

Scientific evidence supports the effectiveness of onions in improving hair health, making them a valuable addition to your hair care arsenal.

By incorporating onions into your diet and using onion-based treatments regularly, you can achieve stronger, healthier, and more vibrant hair.